The Legend


The Legend

Learn more about our roots, what drives us, what we’re doing today, and how you can be a part of Heroes’ Hearts.


Humble Beginnings

The true beauty of my father and mother, and the story contained herein, is that they were just ordinary Americans. They had flaws, problems, made mistakes, but when the time came to prioritize their most important, life and death values, they both met the challenges with style and courage. These qualities of unquestioned loyalty, and a willingness to sacrifice everything for the others, as we know is the common thread for those who were part of what has become to be called The Greatest Generation. It is also a requirement for every good parent and person of service.

As a journalist who has interviewed hundreds of people over the years, I can say with certainty that every human has a fascinating story to tell. Unfortunately, I did not know the importance of my parents’ story while they were still alive. Here is what I’ve learned so far:

My father was a Pearl Harbor Survivor and a Marine until the day he died. (like all Marines).

These facts were incidental to the things he held most dear: His wife, family, and core ethical values, not the least of which was demonstrated in the desire to be his own best example.